Tuesday, 24 July 2012

New Camera!

It is always perfect timing when electrical things break, for an example an iron just before an important interview or your camera just before your birthday night out. The second is what happened to me a couple of weeks ago, at that point I didn’t know I was going to start a blog and thought that my friends would just take the pictures of my birthday (luckily I have photo obsessed friends) so I didn’t bother getting a new one.
Then I started this and found that by the second post a camera is an essential item for a blogger so it became a must buy. So today I dragged my mum to Tesco to buy a camera with the little amount of money I had left over from my birthday. Its currently charging so I can’t tell you what it is like or show you any photos, but I just wanted to let you know that from tomorrow I can show you more of my own work and pictures of street style hair from around my local area, plus my own hair and what I do with it on a day to day basis.
I just want to say thank you to all the people that have read so far and for the lovely comments, it is strange to think that people on the other side of the world are reading the things that I write. If you like what you have been reading then please be sure to follow me and I promise that I will show you more about the subject that I love.
Until next time
Charlie x

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