Monday, 24 September 2012

One Way or Another!

Hi, everyone. Today at college I had an epiphany. So I was having a conversation with my friend while she was trimming my nasty split ends, I said just in passing, that I should have a heat styling detox. When I thought about this I decided it could actually be a good idea, my hair is so damaged from over bleaching and using heated stylers nearly every day. So from today I am going on a 30 day straightening detox. Thats right, I am not going to use my straighteners for 30 days, I can’t quite work out whether this is a good idea or if I am completely mad.

Over the next 30 days I am going to have to blow dry my hair on a low heat setting, and find ways to prolong this blow dry so I don’t have to use any heated stylers, by heated stylers I mean straighteners or curling tongs.

I’m not quite sure how I am going survive these 30 days, I use my straighteners probably every day. I think to get through this up do’s are going to be my saviour. Top knots, plaits, buns and rolls all will need no heated styling and should hopefully look good. Here are just some of the looks which I hope to recreate over the next 30 days.

So tomorrow is day 1, wish me luck. I will keep you updated on my progress.  
Until next time
Charlie x

Monday, 3 September 2012

Kiss of Life!!

Hi everyone, I’m sorry it has been a while. It has been a busy couple of weeks. I went to Barcelona for a long weekend, then spent the next weekend working then going camping on a very wet Saturday night for a friend’s 21st birthday and have spent the last week working and getting ready for college.

Yes! I am back at college tomorrow! I am so glad to be going back it has been about two and a half months since I left and I am defiantly missing it. I went in this morning to arrange my finances and uniform and hadn’t realised how much I had missed it until then.

This year is all about combining the basic skills I learnt last year and using them in a creative way. I’m really excited to be able to use my creativity this year and cannot wait to get back to cutting and colouring client’s hair.

The reason I am telling you all this is because I know since I started this blog I haven’t really kept my promises on what I am going to post about. I don’t really know why this is, but with working and going out taking up most of my time I think I have neglected my poor little blog. So I am hoping that with going back to college my focus and enthusiasm will come back and with spending more time on here it will flourish.

A little bit of fear is also a reason why there hasn’t been any tutorials, the thought just scares me. I am not great at speaking in front of people so the thought of doing a video tutorial to everyone out there is a scary prospect, so I have been trying to think of ways to show you how I do things without a video post. I have been researching and I like the way Lauren Conrad does her tutorials on her blog, she uses step by step photos with explanations on how to do each step. What does everyone think about this idea?

I hope to blog more often from now on, I have been told blogging is very addictive so once I am hooked I am not gonna shut up.

Until next time

Charlie x